The “Haus Zauberflöte” in Offenburg is a charming little hotel with a modern creative concept that can be experienced throughout the hotel – in the bar, restaurant and all of the rooms. Local artists like Stefan Strumbel, Oliver Rath, Blek le Rat, Stefan Marx and Herr von Eden have designed the seven rooms and a suite in very different and individual styles to create a distinctive and unusual atmosphere in each room. And every room is worth a stay because the contrast between the rooms and the art in this historical environment is reflected differently in each of them. The Collector’s Room, for example, contains works by international artists which change every three months. Stefan Marx’s room inspires with wall paintings representing a journey through the Black Forest. All of the bathrooms are plainer and in one colour – be it red, turquoise, yellow, pink, grey, green or black – with the octagonal washbasin from the 1930 range making an eye-catching centrepiece. All told, the hotel makes an ideal base for shopping expeditions in Offenburg’s pedestrian precinct or for excursions to the Black Forest.
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