Servis Centrum stahování
Co nabízí centrum pro stahování?
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Your future Bathroom 2022
A place that’s much more than the beginning of the day or the start of the night. A place that helps us be as much of an individual as we like. And one that adds something to our life. Each and every day.
News Magazine #14
We’re constantly striving for originality. No-one wants to be the same as others; everyone wants to be different. We look everywhere for ideas to make us unique. But in the process, we often forget that these ideas are there, inside us.
Your future bathroom
Everything you need to know about good bathroom design. Here and now. With Duravit. We develop the right design, top quality and comfort enhancing technologies for anyone who wants to breathe life into their bathroom. -
News Magazine #13
Change is everpresent but it has a special effect in one place: the bathroom. Because this is where we wake up and switch off. Where we clean ourselves, recharge our batteries, reinvent ourselves – every day.
News Magazine #12
Duravit is working on the bathroom of tomorrow. This means constantly optimizing technologies, modifying products and rethinking our bathroom ranges.
Duravit faucets
Featuring the typical, original Duravit design, the faucets series can be harmoniously combined with all bathroom series.
Nic není tak důkladné, hygienické, přirozené, osvěžující jako je očista vodou. Taktéž po použití klozetu: proto Duravit vyvinul SensoWash®. Průkopnická inovace, ve světě bidetových sedátek, která znovu definuje komfort, kvalitu života a moderní, klozetovou, hygienu. Vše ovládáno pomocí dálkového ovladače.
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